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Vol. 14 : Liege Belgian Waffles (21 Yong Siak Special)

Vol. 14 : Liege Belgian Waffles (21 Yong Siak Special)

Chewy on the inside and crispy on the outside… This week Chef Matilda is making pearl sugar waffles that is also known as Liège waffles 🧇 ✨ These Belgian waffles are a little different than your run-of-the-mill waffle because the yeasted dough and pearl sugar are the star of our recipe. The sugar pearls are studded throughout the waffle and give every bite a crunchy, caramelized sensation. Good news is, Liège waffles are now available at Monument Lifestyle, 21 Yong Siak St, Singapore. Come and over and give yourself a try! 😋

DISCLAIMER : Made by professionals only 😉 ⚠️ And if you want to try this recipe at home, make sure Mama and Papa is around for assistance.